• Nina Bernadska Tarasa Shevchenka National University of Kyiv
Keywords: L. Biletsky, Shevchenko studies, lyrics, lyric epic


The article depicts the Shevchenko studies of L. Biletsky, one of the famous literary experts, who throughout his life, in the 10–50s of the 20 th century, interpreted the life and work of the Ukrainian genius. Conventionally, these are two periods – Kamianets-Podilskyi and foreign. In the first of them, the scientist actively popularizes the artistic heritage of the Ukrainian poet in the form of reports, exploration of the scientific and methodological content of teaching T. Shevchenko's work at school. The second period is reviews of selected works of the poet by various compilers, translations into Ukrainian of the stories "The Artist", "The Diary" and the most significant achievement of the scientist – the monumental edition of T. Shevchenko's poetic work, "Kobzar" in four volumes (1952–1954) with a detailed commentary and separate articles-essays, as well as a special – cyclical, by groups of texts according to the poet's state of mind – composition. It traces (according to the Shevchenkian edition, volumes 1–3, published in Kyiv in 2013), how L. Biletsky defines the genre nature of both lyrical (elegy, personal, reflective, folk-based) and lyrical-epic works (poem, ballad , dialogue) of the poet. L. Biletskyi, characterizing individual genres of T. Shevchenko, relies on the concept of emotional and figurative thinking, the heart of which is the fusion of the author's and lyrical self, as well as such worldview and aesthetic dominants of T. Shevchenko's work as natiology, historiosophy, romanticism. The scientist uses various criteria to determine the genus-species specificity of the poet's works – thematic, formal and content. At the same time, he tries to find out T. Shevchenko's innovation in this field, to fit his genre searches into the all-Ukrainian and European context. And although his reasoning is random, unsystematic, they are interesting to both the historian and the theoretician of literature, because they add new touches to T. Shevchenko's work.


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