• Svitlana Zadorozhna Tarasa Shevchenka National University of Kyiv
Keywords: Shevchenko, the poem


This paper is dedicated to enlighten the problem of the interdependence of the object and the subject of the study. The correspondence of the interpretive context to the authentic image of T. Shevchenko is discovered. Also the substantive and expressive features of his works are analyzed. We have noted that the understanding of Shevchenko is a constant process that reflects the degree of maturity. We can discover various samples of national consciousness and, at the same time, the state of literary studies as a science. Although the multitude of available interpretations helps to overcome the path of approaching the genius, it does not exhaust the entire depth of his work. Shevchenko does not fit completely into any proposed concept. The main attention is focused on the analysis of the interpretive field of the poem "Kateryna". The interpretation of the poem by leading Shevchenko scholars is presented and commented on. It is noted that the different readings are explained not only by the individuality of the researcher, but also by the symbolic and metaphorical thinking of Shevchenko, the unique stylistic syncretism of his poetry. Inattention to the word-for-word reading of Shevchenko's text led to the passing of very important meanings for the author. It is about the voluntary Muscovization of "Kateryna" as a symbol of Ukraine's pernicious step towards its decline, De-Ukrainization of the family as a sin of nationalization of the people.


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