About the Journal


The editorial board of the Collection of research papers “Shevchenko Studies” (Shevchenkoznavchi Studii) adheres to the principle of open access to the research results by promoting the free dissemination of research information and global exchange of knowledge for the general social progress. The content of the publication is freely available and free of charge for the user. The user is permitted to read, download, copy and distribute it for academic and educational purposes with the obligatory reference to the authorship. 


The editorial board follows the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) - Elsevier Publishing Company, the Civil Code of Ukraine, the Law of Ukraine on Copyright and Related Rights, the Law of Ukraine on Education, Code of Ethical conduct of the University Community of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, in particular on the equality of all authors for the chief editor, editorial board and reviewers; confidentiality; originality of the offered material and plagiarism; conflicts of interest. 

The Editorial Board has the right to reject materials that do not meet the standards of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, and the requirements for publications in scholarly periodicals registered in international scientometric databases. 


The editorial board is responsible for the timely publication of the journal. The editorial board makes the final decision on the publication of the article in the journal. Articles are assessed on their content, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, ethnic origin, nationality, political views of their authors. Articles that do not correspond to the topics and requirements of the journal, submitted to other scholarly periodicals and those that contain previously published research are rejected. The submitted articles are not returned and cannot be published in other scholarly journals. The editorial board has the right to edit the articles while preserving the main ideas, conclusions and style of the author. The editorial board ensures copyright compliance. The editorial board thoroughly examines all the cases of research ethics violations, conflict of interest (the author of the study and the reviewer / the author of the study and others) and plagiarism. If the parties fail to come to agreement, the dispute may be decided in court. The editorial board holds the authorship of articles and the information contained therein in confidence. 


The author submits an article with original content, previously unpublished, and is fully responsible for the novelty and reliability of the results of his/her research. 

The article should be formatted in compliance with the journal requirements. All citations from other works must be properly quoted indicating the original source in accordance with the established requirements. Citations without the required referencing and any plagiarism are unacceptable. 

The author must immediately inform the editorial board of the mistakes and inaccuracies in the article. 

The author must notify the editorial board of real or potential conflict of interest. 


All submitted articles are subject to mandatory internal and external (double) anonymous reviewing. 

The review must be objective and reasoned.

In the case when the topic/problem of the article does not meet the reviewer’s qualification, the reviewer must refuse to review. 

The main standards for the reviewer are respect for the author’s right to intellectual property and confidentiality of the article. 

The reviewer should notify the editorial board of possible conflict of interest. 

The reviewer may offer: 

1) to recommend the article for publication; 

2) to recommend the article for publication after revision; 

3) to refuse to recommend the article for publication.  

The review period is 14 days.

The editorial board of the publishing house makes the final decision on the acceptance of the article for publishing. 

The reviewer must submit the article review in a timely manner.




The academic journal Shevchenko Studies (Shevchenkoznavchi Studii) accepts only original materials, previously unpublished articles and articles that have not been submitted for publication in other journals.

Plagiarism Detector is used to detect citations in the submitted manuscripts. 

Once plagiarism or citations without proper reference to the original sources, negative reviews are found, the editors will reject the manuscript. 

Authors of the manuscripts are responsible for obtaining copyright permission for publication of illustrations, tables and drawings in the articles.


Authors, reviewers and editors must cooperate with observance of confidentiality requirements. 

Editors and reviewers must respect the author’s rights and not disclose the manuscript information (manuscript content, its review, criticism of reviewers and the final decision on its publication).