Current Issue

Vol. 1 No. 27 (2024): Shevchenko studies. Issue 1(27). Part 2

Shevchenko Studies

No. 1 (27). Part 1 (2024)

ISSN 2410-4094 (Print)

УДК 821.161.2’09:81’255.4(082) Shevchenko T.


The collection of scientific papers is devoted to the issues of Shevchenko studies, adoption of creativity, language and translation.

For scientists and admirers of Taras Sevchenko’s works.

Published: 2025-01-20
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ISSN 2410-4094 (Print)
UDC: 821.161.2’09:81’255.4(082) Shevchenko T.H. 
Registered by: the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine 

Certificate of State Registration, series КV №16159-4631Р dated

Certified by: the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (category B)

Order № 491 dated 27. 04. 2023 р.

Founder and publisher: Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Year of foundation: 1994 
Field of knowledge: 03 Humanities
Speciality: 035 Philology
Publication language: Ukrainian, English
Publication frequency: once a year
“Shevchenko Studies” is an open access scholarly periodical that supports the
relevant Budapest Open Access Initiative aimed at free dissemination of academic
knowledge and research results.

Topics within the scope of the academic works collection. The collection of
articles addresses various academic aspects of Taras Shevchenko’s multifaceted
oeuvre: receptive, textual, philosophical, religious, ethical, artistic, historical,
historiographical, educational, comparative, linguistic, biographical, translational,
intermedial etc., and the studies of his role in the Ukrainian and world culture.

Sections of “Shevchenko Studies”:

  • academic articles: original researches (previously unpublished) that
    correspond to the topics of the journal and meet the established
  • documents and materials: previously unknown sources with authorial
    comments, archival materials, memoirs, epistolary, diaries, social and
    political journalism, bibliographies;
  • reviews: authorial reviews of research papers and presentation reviews of
    new publications

The collection of scientific papers “Shevchenko Studies” is included into the
national database of Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine.

Publication price. Publication in the collection of scientific papers is free and is
funded by Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. The articles are
published after positive review and their acceptance for publication.